HTML : My Journey 👀
Embarking on the interesting journey of net development, I observed the magic of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), a language that forms the spine of the ever-increasing digital universe. As I delved into the realms of coding and layout, HTML emerged as my depended on companion, empowering me to form ideas into tangible, interactive internet reviews.
This article unfolds my private exploration of HTML, the language that transformed my aspirations into functional web sites. .
There are several user friendly coding apps and online platforms that cater specifically to beginners learning HTML.
(a) Code academy:
Platform: Web-based
Features: Interactive coding lessons, real-time feedback, and projects.
(b) free Code Camp:
Platform: Web-based
Features: Hands-on coding challenges, projects, and a supportive community.
(c) Solo Learn:
Platform: Mobile app (iOS, Android), Web-based
Features: Bite-sized lessons, quizzes, and a community for learning and sharing.
(d) W3Schools:
Platform: Web-based
Features: Extensive documentation, live examples, and interactive coding exercises.
(e) Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) Web Docs:
Platform: Web-based
Features: Comprehensive HTML documentation, tutorials, and guides.
(f) Visual Studio Code (VS Code) with Live Server Extension:
Platform: Desktop application (Windows, macOS, Linux)
Features: A lightweight code editor with a Live Server extension for instant HTML preview.
(g) Atom with Atom Live Server:
Platform: Desktop application (Windows, macOS, Linux)
Features: A customizable text editor with Atom Live Server for real-time HTML previews.
In here I'll show you HTML coding with vs code. Embarking on web development, HTML became my foundation, meticulously crafted in Visual Studio Code. This article unveils the symbiosis of coding and sophistication, showcasing snippets of HTML within the dynamic realm of VS Code.
1. Setting Up Your Development Environment
Before diving into HTML coding, it's important to have the right tools for the job. One popular and powerful code editor for web development is Visual Studio Code.
(a) Installing Visual Studio Code
Download VS Code:
Visit the Visual Studio Code website and download the installer for your operating system.
(b) Install VS Code:
Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install Visual Studio Code on your machine.
(c) Extensions:
VS Code has a rich ecosystem of extensions. You can enhance your development experience by installing extensions for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript support.
2. Creating Your First HTML File
Now that you have VS Code installed, let's create a simple HTML file.
(a) Open VS Code:
Launch Visual Studio Code.
(b) Create a New File:
Click on "File" in the top-left corner, select "New File," and save it with an .html extension, for example , "index.html."
(c) HTML Structure:
I mentioned here some HTML tags👇
(1) Document Structure:
- <!DOCTYPE html>: Declaration of the HTML version.
- <html>: Root element.
- <head>: Contains meta-information about the HTML document.
- <title>: Sets the title of the HTML document.
- <body>: Contains the content of the HTML document.
(2) Text Formatting:
- <h1> to <h6>: Heading tags (1 being the largest, 6 being the smallest).
- <p>: Paragraph.
- <br>: Line break.
- <hr>: Horizontal rule.
(3) Lists:
- <ul>: Unordered list.
- <li>: List item.
- <ol>: Ordered list.
- <li>: List item.
- <dl>: Definition list.
- <dt>: Term in a definition list.
- <dd>: Definition in a definition list.
(4) Links:
- <a>: Anchor (used for hyperlinks).
- href: Attribute specifying the URL.
(5) Images:
<img> : Image.
src : Attribute specifying the image source.
alt : Attribute specifying alternative text for accessibility.
(6) Forms:
<form> : Form.
action : Attribute specifying the form submission URL.
method : Attribute specifying the HTTP method (e.g., "GET" or "POST").
<input> : Input field.
type : Attribute specifying the input type (e.g., "text", "password", "checkbox").
name : Attribute specifying the input name.
<textarea> : Multiline text input.
<select> : Dropdown list.
<option> : Option within a dropdown list.
7. Tables:
<table>: Table.
<tr>: Table row.
<td>: Table data (cell).
<th>: Table header cell.
8. Semantic HTML:
<article> : Represents a self-contained piece of content.
<section> : Represents a section within a document.
<header> : Represents a header section.
<footer> : Represents a footer section.
<nav> : Represents navigation links.
<aside> : Represents content tangentially related to the content around it.
9. Metadata:
<meta> : Metadata about the HTML document.
charset : Attribute specifying the character encoding.
10. Miscellaneous:
<div> : Generic container.
<span> : Generic inline container.
<blockquote> : Block-level quotation.
<cite> : Citation.
Basic HTML structure
- This structure includes the essential HTML tags like <!DOCTYPE html> , <html>, <head> , <meta> and <body> . The <title> tag is where you specify the title of your webpage.
(d) Adding content
inside the <body> tag, you can add various HTML elements to create your content.
Live Preview in Visual Studio Code
VS Code provides a useful extension called "Live Server" that allows you to see a live preview of your HTML pages.
1. Install Live Server:
- Open the Extensions view by clicking on the Extensions icon in the Activity Bar on the side of the window. Search for "Live Server" and install it.
2. Open with Live Server:
- Right-click on your HTML file and select "Open with Live Server." This will open your HTML file in a new browser window, and any changes you make in the HTML file will automatically trigger a refresh in the browser.
Getting started with HTML using Visual Studio Code is a straightforward process. With a basic understanding of HTML and the right tools, you can start creating web pages and exploring the world of web development. As you progress, you can delve deeper into CSS for styling and JavaScript for interactivity, turning your static pages into dynamic and engaging web experiences. Happy coding!😎
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