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Showing posts with the label 6G Technology

6G networks explained: Everything you need to know

Just as the 5G juggernaut rolls on across the world, the comms industry is actually gearing up for – and exploring the potential opportunities from – the next generation of wireless: 6G. Since the onset of the transformational 3G mobile standard in 2001, the world of communications became used to the arrival of a new generation in mobile networking every decade. Each new-generation wireless has been designed to provide substantially higher capacity and much lower latency than its predecessor, bringing in a new range of applications and use cases that were not previously supported. 6G will be no exception. Work to create future 6G network specifications is already being planned by standards body 3GPP, with initial 6G networks built on the foundations of 5G . 6G networks are expected to run in the very high GHz and 1THz frequency bands, offering throughput speeds of well over 10 Gbps through up to three 160 MHz channels leading to potential micro-second latencies. Why is 6G necess