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Jumpstart Your Career: Become a Frontend Developer in One Month

1. Understanding the Basics (Days 1-5):    - HTML: Learn the structure of web pages.    - CSS: Understand styling and layout techniques.    - JavaScript: Introduction to scripting for interactivity. 2. Building Your Skills (Days 6-15):    - Responsive Design: Learn to create websites that work on all devices.    - Version Control: Get familiar with Git and GitHub for collaborative work.    - Frontend Frameworks: Explore popular libraries like Bootstrap or frameworks like React or Vue.js. 3. Putting Theory into Practice (Days 16-25):    - Projects: Work on small projects to apply what you've learned.    - Portfolio Development: Build a portfolio showcasing your projects and skills.    - Code Reviews: Get feedback from peers or mentors to improve your code quality. 4. Diving Deeper (Days 26-30):    - Advanced CSS: Explore animations, transitions, and preprocessors like Sass.    - JavaScript Libraries: Dive deeper into JavaScript with libraries like jQuery or lodash.    - Browser Deve
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